Re: Pure Java MPEG or WMV playback

"Andrew Thompson" <>
11 Jan 2007 23:10:49 -0800
Chris Uppal wrote:

John W. Kennedy wrote:


I, personally, view /all/ of Adobe's products (including the old
Macromedia et al line) with intense suspicion. They have a nasty
tendency to add JavaScript in unexpected and unpublicised places (e.g.
in QuickTime if memory serves me correctly).

QuickTime is Apple's multimedia player.

Not sure what point you are making here ?

I understood John's confusion, as I was also slightly
confused to see QT mentioned as almost a 'tag-on'
to a paragraph that seemed to focus on a company
that did not make it.

In case it helps clarify my doubts, consider the example described here:

This leads (indirectly) to..

It's the kind of thing that often happens when the incompetent add clever
features to software that should be simple.

OK - yes. I sure see your point now.

I had never imagined QT had *any* JS support.

Since I have JMStudio to handle the MOV formats
that my Kodak cameras produce, QT will soon be
*removed* from my system.

Andrew T.

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