Re: issue
On Mar 24, 7:11 pm, "merrittr" <> wrote:
so you think a newer sdk is the answer?
No. I was merely pointing out that Java
bytecodes are 'upward compatible', and anything
that can run in 1.1, should also be able to run
in 1.2 through 1.6(+).
That, of course, is assuming the code does
not rely on quirky behaviour of a particular
JVM, as some code (rarely) does. I doubt
Adobe would be that silly.
..I want to use the java
because this site will be used to display answer sets for students.
The idea being I want
to wrap the pdf document and hide from the students the url
Be aware that a network sniffer can tell me
(or your students) the exact calls that are
being made, as can bringing up the Java console
and increasing the trace level.
So if I did your course and got '100%', would
you assume I was very clever, or that maybe
I had simply realised where/how to get the
'secret' docs.?
..(as much
as possible) disabling the prnting and
save function they wont be able to pass the answer sets to next years
I am bowing out of this thread. I do not
know how you can provide answers to your
students without them cheating
As an aside, there are documents that I
desperately wanted to possess, that had
similar protection schemes. When I was not
in a position to install network sniffers
(or whatever), I would transcribe* the
* As in, read it, then retype the text into
a text editor. For images, it was a simple
matter of taking a screenshot (which is what
I preferred - since I could generally compress
images to a smaller size - than what they were,
when delivered).
Andrew T.