Re: Beginner Security Permissions Questions
On Jul 9, 11:19 am, Russ <> wrote:
Is it possible to grant a single class that is NOT in a jar or zip
security permissions?
It is possible to do anything from imposing
a fine-grained security manager on a plain old
application (which otherwise lacks any security
manager), to setting the security manager to null
for a trusted webstart application, so that
subsequent code loaded using an URLClassLoader
or a ByteArrayClassLoader (custom class) can also
do 'anything it wants'.
If that is not possible can security permissions be given to a non-
java application to access a signed jar or zip via URLClassLoader?
The application in question is a 3D viewer that can use java as a
scripting language,
Can this security permission be done through java by a user of the
application or does it have to be done by the writer of the
application per se?
Almost certainly it is easier done by the writer.
(Though I am still not sure what you are asking.)
Andrew Thompson