Re: string to URL and URL to string
On Sep 2, 12:17 pm, bH <> wrote:
You have so many misconceptions about Java versioning
and deployment that it is tricky to know where to begin.
I looked at the "" and I presently use
What you use is irrelevant. What Java version your *users*
use, is the important question.
(Of course, if these applets are entirely for your own
amusement, they should not be applets.)
...So the import java.awt.Desktop; is a problem.
And I am reluctant to get the Java 1.6+ for the reason I did
download it once only to regret that I did and had to step
back to the jdk1.5.0_12
I have Java 1.6 as my SDK, and in recent weeks, have
deployed applets that will run successfully using Java
1.1. I ensured that by using a -bootclasspath option
on compile and pointing it to a 1.1 rt.jar (the Java core
You could just as easily do the same using a 1.6 SDK and
pointing it to a 1.5 rt.jar.
...The bottom line for why I went
back to 1.5+ was that some of my applets were struggling to run
with 1.6.
So fix the applets!
...So I went out on the net and found discussions like
this to support the notion that I maybe should go back to 1.5+ :
RC stands for 'Release Candidate'. That entire discussion is
irrelevant in that they were talking about a version which was
never release to the general public (as I understand RCs).
(applets)...All three use/need 1.5+ to run.
And what special measures have you implemented to ensure
that people using 1.6 JREs as standard (which would be very
common now), are prompted to use a 1.5 JRE, when they visit
the page?
Sun has a script that ensures a specific *minimum* version of
Java is installed, before embedding an applet. But older
techniques to ensure an *earlier* specific version of Java
was installed, are now barred to applets, as being a potential
security risk.
To ensure a specific earlier version (e.g. 1.5*, as opposed
to 1.5+), you would need to launch your applets using webstart.
I have not figured why it is not also a security concern
for JWS apps. I suspect Sun is just worried that a bunch
of developers with broken-ass apps. they refuse to fix,
will lynch them if they remove the last option for forcing
an earlier version of Java to be used.
Andrew Thompson