Re: JOX and attribut problem

"pcouas" <>
23 Jan 2007 00:04:27 -0800
Threre was error into my object

            String x2=new String("<MarkTest foo='82' bar=\"AAAAAAThis
is the bar value\"><thingies>Moe</thingies>
<thingies>Larry</thingies><sub age=\"36\" name=\"dddd\" /><sub
age=\"35\" name=\"Mark\" /> </MarkTest>");
            TestBean2 testBean2=

import util.xml.jox.*;
import java.util.*;

public class TestBean2 implements
    protected int foo;
    protected String bar;
    protected Vector thingies;
    protected Vector subbean;

    public TestBean2()
        bar = "";
        thingies = new Vector();

    public int getFoo() { return foo; }
    public void setFoo(int aFoo) { foo = aFoo; }

    public String getBar() { return bar; }
    public void setBar(String aBar) { bar = aBar; }

    public TestSubbean[] getSub()
        TestSubbean[] retSubbeans = new TestSubbean[subbean.size()];
        if (subbean.size() > 0) subbean.copyInto(retSubbeans);

        return retSubbeans;

    public void setSub(TestSubbean[] newSubbeans)
        subbean= new Vector(newSubbeans.length);
        for (int i=0; i < newSubbeans.length; i++)

    public String[] getThingies()
        String[] retThingies = new String[thingies.size()];
        if (thingies.size() > 0) thingies.copyInto(retThingies);

        return retThingies;

    public TestSubbean getSub(int i) {

        return (TestSubbean)subbean.elementAt(i);

    public void setSub(TestSubbean aSub) {

    public void setThingies(String[] newThingies)
        thingies = new Vector(newThingies.length);
        for (int i=0; i < newThingies.length; i++)

    public String getThingies(int i)
        return (String) thingies.elementAt(i);

    public void setThingies(int i, String thingy)
        thingies.setElementAt(thingy, i);

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