Re: Incremental Java Compile

Lew <>
Mon, 03 May 2010 07:38:07 -0400
On 05/03/2010 12:50 AM, Joshua Maurice wrote:
Arne Vajh??j wrote:

Structure things better.

With a good OO model a series of related changes should not
require changes in "a large portion of 20000 Java files".

So, how do you suggest doing that when there's a code generator under
active development which generates Java code, and a large portion of
the Java code directly or indirectly works with the output of this
code generator? We model the object domains in a simple modeling

Generate code into packages. Generate different parts of the project into
separate modules.

language which is then compiled to C++ and Java code to allow
serializing a description of a unit of work from the Java tools to the
C++ tools and back. Most of the infrastructure and apps work with the
output of this code generator in some form or another.

The generator can be forced to follow good practices, rather than have bad
practices use "the generator" as an excuse.

Unfortunately, one cannot fiat interfaces into being stable.

But one can *design* interfaces to be modular. Try it.


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