Re: Installing and testing Geronimo
On Mar 25, 6:46 pm, wrote:
Although I know some Java, I am completely new to using Java for
server-side programming. I have Geronimo installed on a Linux system,
and have the browser displayinghttp://localhost:8080/console. Using the Apache-Geronimo tutorial I
created a "HelloWorld.jsp" file in the <app_home> directory under my
username's home directory, then below that created a WEB-INF directory
with "geronimo-web.xml" and "web.xml" files, as given in the
tutorial. I made sure that the version number in "geronimo-web.xml"
matched the version of Geronimo I'm using, which is 1.1.
From the command line I created a war file by typing
jar -cvf HelloWorld.war * ,
then from the console I followed the instructions in the tutorial to
install a new application by selecting the war file for Archive,
leaving Plan blank, and ensuring just the Start app box is ticked.
When I do this I get the message:
Deployment failed:
Could not create configuration directory:
/usr/share/geronimo-1.1/repository/sample/applications/ HelloWorldApp/
Could someone kindly help me in explaining what is happening, and how
to fix the problem. It seems that for some reason Geronimo was unable
to create a directory. Could there be something wrong with
permissions or a path? I am logged in to the console as the default
system and manager superuser. Also, assuming this can be fixed, what
will the URL be relative to the base URL as seen from another
I would be most grateful for some help with this.
Christopher Sharp
It indeed turned out that there was a problem with the permissions of
files and directories, which were solved, and the application is now
I also got a test application in section 11 of the Geronimo tutorial
( for Servlets and JSP's Migration
(second from last). However, I want to run a very simmple application
that just has two servlets to check that a form has been read
correctely. Each one is of the form:
package simulator;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class TestOption1 extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String title = "Test of Option 1 Form";
blah blah blah
which prints out on a browser the values read in by the form. The
pages containing the forms are just static HTML, and can be anywhere,
and not necessarily on the same server.
In the Servlets and JSP migration example there are several XML files,
and all I want is something very simple that just created the
appropriate XML files for the application I want. Unfortunately the
HelloWorld example is not sufficient enough to explain this, and the
servlets example is too complicated for me to follow.
Some help would be most apprecaited.
Christopher Sharp