Re: Problem with Servlets

 yilmaz bahcetepe <>
Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:31:49 -0000
On Nov 9, 4:10 pm, "" <>

the servlet program is :

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet
        public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)
                      throws ServletException,IOException {

                 PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
                 String id = req.getParameter("id");
                 String password = req.getParameter("pwd");
                 if("jsmith".equalsIgnoreCase(id) &&
                         out.println("Hello," + id + "Welcome to My World");
                out.println("Id/Password combonation is not valid");


the html program is:

<title>Servlet Example</title>

<form action = "servlet/LoginServlet" method=Post>
Enter Login ID: <input type=text name="id">
Enter Password:<input type=Password name="pwd">
<input type="Submit" value="Login">
<input type="Reset">

the class path and path variables are:

path : d:\java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin;
classpath: c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\lib\rt.jar;d:\Apache
Software Foundation\....\..\servlet-api.jar;
My Problem is :
I can start the server by going to localhost:8080 port and my
application is displayed there.
and when i click the folder in the table shown all registered
application with tomcat, the login form is displayed but when i click
the submit button there is an error message is coming.

I found that in the example prokjects there is a web.xml file for each
application giving the description about it necessary?if
so, pls tell me how to write that xml file for my servlet?
Thank,Regards Kishore

1)be sure that your form tag's action attribute indicates right
location (servlet/LoginS...)

2)try the changes below:
Enter Login ID: <input type=text name="id" id="id">
Enter Password:<input type=Password name="pwd" id="pwd">

instead of

Enter Login ID: <input type=text name="id">
Enter Password:<input type=Password name="pwd">

3)be sure that the record of your servlet is set at web.config
correctly. if web.config doesn't know servlet, it doesn't work.

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