Struts Login/Logout
I am trying to develop a login/logout form using Struts. Please have a
look at the following sample code.
public class LoginAction extends Action{
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response){
LoginForm f = (LoginForm)form;
String userName = f.getUserName();
String passWord = f.getPassWord();
if(userName.equalsIgnoreCase("username") &&
session.setAttribute("userName", userName);
And in the LogoutAction, I do session.removeAttribute("userName") and
do a session.invalidate().
The problem is whenever I press the back button of the browser, It
again goes to the page which is supposed to be shown only to user
logged in successfully. Am I doing something wicked ?
Thanks for your help/suggestions.