Re: Spring WebFlow performance

"Daniel Pitts" <>
20 Nov 2006 12:35:48 -0800
<> wrote:


Has anyone done performance testing with an application using Spring
Webflow. We are finding some serious performance issues. We are only on
RC3 and need to upgrade to Release 1 so we are hoping that will fix the
issues. However it would be nice to know if others have had other
similar performance issues and whether upgrading got around the


First, are you sure it is the Spring Webflow causing the issues? I
would suggest using a profiler to find out where most of your
bottleneck is. I've been using EJP <> for
a project at home because its free, and it helped me speed up my
project by 60%. I found out that while there was some slowdown where I
anticipated, the true slowdown was somewhere else entirely (and it was
a lot easier to fix).

Although EJP has been helpful, it has some performance issues itself,
so you might try it out, and if it doesn't work for you, get try a
different profiler.

In any case, we use Spring at my work extensively, and performance
hasn't been an issue, although I suppose it depends on a lot of
factors, such as servlet container, rendering technology (JSP, JSF,
etc...), database layer, etc... All the more reasons to use a
profile-before-assume approach.

Hope this helps, and good luck finding your answer.

- Daniel.

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