Re: Split group?

John Ersatznom <j.ersatz@nowhere.invalid>
Tue, 26 Dec 2006 19:37:28 -0500
Greg R. Broderick wrote:

Chris Smith <> wrote in news:MPG.1ff84707c83fc8939897a2

John Ersatznom <j.ersatz@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

Perhaps whoever manages these things might look into maybe merging those
[, c.l.j.corba, c.l.j.databases] into c.l.j.web or
similarly and suggesting shifting the jsp, servlet, etc. traffic here to
that group.

"Whoever manages these things" is a process defined for big-8 newsgroup
hierarchies, and managed in the newsgroup "news.groups". The process
involves submitting an RFD (request for discussion), which will
eventually progress to a CFV (call for votes), after which everyone will
vote and you get to find out whether the change gets made or not. The
proposal succeeds if BOTH:

 a) it gets at least 100 more YES votes than NO votes
 b) it gets at least twice as many YES votes as NO votes

Actually, the process has, relatively recently, changed significantly. See
<> for details

Yes, but see where for the capsule summary comparable to the a), b) list
you quoted?

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