Re: Passing variable to public/servlet

Lew <>
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:41:23 -0500
Clive_ wrote:


Does anyone know an example showing how to pass a database variable to
a public variable??

One question mark would suffice.

I would like to run a java file or JSP, passing <%= rs.getInt(1)%> to
a servlet???

A JSP is a servlet, so you've already done that. What do you need the value for?

The servlet would store the data, which could be retrieved using

Do you mean in a request attribute? Where do you intend to store the data?

You can set request attributes with the request setAttribute() method. Check
out the Javadocs.


Do not put Java in JSPs. It's legal, but foolish.

 String connectionUrl =("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1032/");
 String dbName="Calibration";
 String driver="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";
 String user="aaaa";
 String password="user";

   // Establish the connection.

You don't need to load the DB driver class again and again, and you certainly
don't need to create a throwaway instance of it.

   con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl

What if this fails? You have no Exception handling at all.

   stmt = con.createStatement() ;
   rs = stmt.executeQuery(querySQL) ;

 From where do you get the query?

  ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData() ;

You assign the value then never refer to it again except to drive an empty
loop. Why?

  for(int i = 1 ; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount() ; i++) {

Empty loop.

<% } %>


Where's the opening <tr> tag? The enclosing <table>?

<% while( { %>
      <td> <%= rs.getInt(1)%> </td>
      <td> <%= rs.getString(2) %> </td>

 <% }
  con = null;

What in the world do you expect to accomplish with setting con to null? It
goes out of scope anyway, so it's a useless action.


There are tags in the JSTL for SQL access that likely would be much easier for
you. JSPs should do their action through separate server-side classes or tag
libs so that all this Java scriptlet doesn't cruft up your presentation artifacts.

You've already got the value in a servlet, so I am not clear what else you
need to accomplish.


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