Re: Case expression must be constant expression

Daniel Pitts <>
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:30:40 -0800
Ed Kirwan wrote:

Daniel Pitts wrote:

In Object Oriented design, its considered a likely problem if you have a
switch statement (or a switch like construct). While there are *some*
times when a switch is appropriate, I've found that I haven't used a
switch statement once I understood the State, Strategy, and Flyweight

Hej, Daniel,

Would you say that a switch statement is inappropriate in a parameterised
factory method, such as the one below?

And if inappropriate, how should parameterised factory methods look? Or
would you say that parameterised factory methods are inherently un-OO?

I'm curious because I use them quite a lot and am wondering whether I should
drop them in favour of something else.

In your example, where does rank come from?
Is it assigned specific values based on another if/else block?

This seems to me to fit my example of using an enum as a flyweight:

Basically, you have a Rank abstract class/interface which has the
implementations HighestCard, OnePair, TwoPairs, etc....

The interface would have a HandEvaluation getEvaluation(Hand hand);
Your factory method could remain. It would simply delegate to

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