Re: Accessing files from within an application server

Owen Jacobson <>
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:11:07 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 20, 10:50 am, "Qu0ll" <> wrote:

"Nigel Wade" <> wrote in message


It's not clear exactly what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to be=

able to
access the file at a remote client, using the servlet as a "proxy"? Or d=


mean that you want to access a local file within the servlet?

If you want the servlet to serve a local file to a remote client then th=


the client needs is the URI of your servlet followed by a parameter whic=


identify the file in question. The servlet would then respond with the
HTML to identify the file MIME type, followed by the file contents.

If you mean that you want to access a local file within the servlet then=

all you
do is use, or any other Java method of accessing local file=


I want to access a local file in the servlet and use its contents in
determining what to deliver from the servlet. I won't be serving up the=

file itself but I need a way of accessing it that will be "portable" as to=

wherever the server is actually installed. That is, I don't want to rel=

y on

an absolute path but rather access it from within the WAR file itself.

How do I do that?

Use the classloader getResource/getResourceAsStream methods and the
current thread's context classloader to access non-class files that
are in classloader scope. For example, foo.war/WEB-INF/classes/
myConfig.xml is reachable using
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream ("/


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