Re: Servlet container/server for Linux

Robert Klemme <>
Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:44:42 +0200
On 05.09.2009 04:24, Arne Vajh=F8j wrote:

Steve Sobol wrote:

In article <>, says...

On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, Ross wrote:

I've downloaded Jetty. It runs fine, java -jar start.jar, and you
can immediately see all the demonstration servlets. Good I think.
So, how do I add my own Servlet class to the engine,

You don't add classes, you add WARs. Servlets are meaningless outside=


a WAR.

To put it another way, you need to write a little shell script which =

packs your classes into a trivial WAR - it wouldn't be hard.

Can't I just put my bl**dy servlets in a directory and run them?



Can't say much about Tomcat since I don't use it, but with Jetty you
can deploy webapps to a directory as easily as deploying a WAR. The
directory just has to have the right structure (meaning, it must have =

the WEB-INF directory and the proper files inside WEB-INF)...

And a web.xml referring to the servlets etc..

AFAIK recent servlet standards allow for web.xml less deployment if you
provide proper annotations. There may even be defaults so you could get =

away without XML and annos.



remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

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