Robert Klemme wrote:
On 05.09.2009 04:24, Arne Vajh?j wrote:
Steve Sobol wrote:
In article <>, says...
On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, Ross wrote:
I've downloaded Jetty. It runs fine, java -jar start.jar, and you
can immediately see all the demonstration servlets. Good I think.
So, how do I add my own Servlet class to the engine,
You don't add classes, you add WARs. Servlets are meaningless
outside a WAR.
To put it another way, you need to write a little shell script
which packs your classes into a trivial WAR - it wouldn't be hard.
Can't I just put my bl**dy servlets in a directory and run them?
Can't say much about Tomcat since I don't use it, but with Jetty you
can deploy webapps to a directory as easily as deploying a WAR. The
directory just has to have the right structure (meaning, it must
have the WEB-INF directory and the proper files inside WEB-INF)...
And a web.xml referring to the servlets etc..
AFAIK recent servlet standards allow for web.xml less deployment if
you provide proper annotations. There may even be defaults so you
could get away without XML and annos.
The current trend seems to be toward gutting web.xml, ejb-jar.xml,
faces-config.xml, etc., and favouring annotations. I'm provisionally in
favour of annotations, for one major reason - the configuration is right
there where you need it - but oddly enough I am starting to miss the
convenience of having the deployment descriptors as single-source
references. The large apps I work with at present have very little
information in the standard descriptors, and server admin consoles don't
cut it when it comes to displaying this info either. Typically you end
up consulting the app server generated proprietary deployment
descriptors. I may be the only one, but I find this somewhat ironic.
I completely agree.
is great for hello world apps.
all this stuff centrally.
the complexity.