Re: User roles in GWT applications

Tom Anderson <>
Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:48:50 +0000
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On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Arne Vajh?j wrote:

On 08-03-2011 10:17, carmelo wrote:

I'm also considering java security frameworks like Apache Shiro and
Spring Security... What do you think about them?

What do you need from them that standard servlet users and roles does
not provide?

I don't know what Carmelo needs, but here are some of the things he could
have: (bullet points at the top)

My own personal beef with J2EE security is that, as with some other bits
of J2EE, critical bits of configuration are container-specific. One of the
things Acegi does, according to its claims, is overcome that.


It's just really fucking good and that's all. -- Gabe, on the Macintosh

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