Re: Collection

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen <>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:02:56 +0100
Garg <> writes:

in ArrayList, Vector we can get the value by providing posting number

String str = (String) arrList.get(4);

but arrayList can only store one object.

HashMap, TreeMap can store two maps (key and Object).

Can i get the value of the key and Object stored at the 4th place.

What fourth place? A HashMap has no inherent order, so you can't even
talk about places.

A LinkedHashMap guarantees the order of iteration to be preserved by
additions. In that case you can talk about the fourth element.
You'd get that by:
 Iterator iter = myLinkedMap.entrySet().iterator();;;;
 Map.Entry fourth =;

However, if you want a list of pairs, don't misuse a map for it.
Make a list of pairs!

public class Pair<S,T> {
  private final S fst;
  private final T snd;
  public Pair(S fst, T snd) {
    this.fst = fst;
    this.snd = snd;
  public S getFirst() {
    return fst;
  public T getSecond() {
    return snd;

private List<Pair<String,String>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<String,String>>;
// ...
Pair<String,String> fourth = list.get(4);

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen -
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