Re: code base(not a technical question)
On 24.08.2011 21:03, Asit Dhal wrote:
Thank you everybody for reading my query and suggesting me.
This is what I do now.
I have a folder named Java. In this folder code snippets are stored in small text files. File name is what the snippet is about.
What I need is every file should be associated with some index
string, which is search able.
Again grep can't help me as I use Windows 7 for development
You can use "find" for that in the Windows shell.
However, I would just create an Eclipse project where I put all those
files and use Eclipse's text search (which is pretty fast). You could
even do something like
* Search index
* keyword: thread
* keyword: list
somewhere in the file and then do a regexp search for "keyword:\s*thread"
Kind regards
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end