Re: getLocalAddress().getHostAddress() returning an empty string

"yawnmoth" <>
17 Nov 2006 13:17:40 -0800
Carl wrote:

yawnmoth wrote:

It would be easier to try to help if you post the code in context,
based on only this line it is hard to even guess what the problem is.
Are you sure the Socket is being successfully instantiated and not
throwing some exception?

Here's the context:

import java.applet.*;

public class HttpRequestor extends Applet
    public void start()
            Socket sock = new Socket(getParameter("domain"),
            String path =
            String httpRequest = "GET "+path+" HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:
        catch (Exception e)

The Socket is clearly being created since, if it weren't, I wouldn't
get the HTTP request.

Is it possible that getLocalAddress().getHostAddress() simply doesn't
work on all versions of the JRE?

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