Re: Stuck in while loop prison.
mmoski wrote:
Hmm... it should be just... enter the input, hit return, and the while
loops excecute. Is there a way to use return or /n or something as a
condition for escaping the loop.
Perhaps you want to inout a series of numbers on one line like this?
12 5 6 8 9
9 Hi-5! It works!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class BitStat {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// read one line containing one or more integer numbers
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(;
String numbers = null;
try {
numbers = br.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
// mmoski's code
Scanner sc = new Scanner(numbers);
int totalOnes = 0;
String input;
while (sc.hasNext()) { // Note!
input =;
int inputHex = Integer.parseInt(input, 16);
String usBinary = Integer.toBinaryString(inputHex);
// Reveal the truth!
System.out.println(input+" -> "+inputHex+" -> "+usBinary);
int stopCase = usBinary.length();
while (stopCase > 0) {
String currentChar = usBinary.substring(0, stopCase);
String test = currentChar.substring(
(stopCase - 1),stopCase);
int testAsInt = Integer.parseInt(test);
if (testAsInt == 1) {
}// if
}// while
}// while
System.out.println(totalOnes + " Hi-5! It works!");
}// main
}// test
1 2 3 7 9 19 255 256 257
1 -> 1 -> 1
2 -> 2 -> 10
3 -> 3 -> 11
7 -> 7 -> 111
9 -> 9 -> 1001
19 -> 25 -> 11001
255 -> 597 -> 1001010101
256 -> 598 -> 1001010110
257 -> 599 -> 1001010111
28 Hi-5! It works!
The rest of the code has what looks like bugs to me! The binary you get
for input 19 as a decimal number doesn't make much sense. Also if you're
only reading one line, you probably don't need scanner and could perhaps
do the job more simply with something like String.split()