Re: Java/OO techniques for modularity and re-use

"Richard Maher" <>
Sun, 1 Jul 2007 12:01:02 +0800
Hi Arne,

Thanks for the reply.

In the rest of this I'm not arguing against what you've said, I'm just
honestly trying to digest it

Since SSLSocket inherits from Socket then you can make your
t3sock of type Socket (you can assign from a subtype to a
super type).

But because SSLSocket "extends" Socket, surely I have to instantiate a
SSLSocket object somewhere don't I?

Really no need for this: -
  sockFactory = (SSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
  t3Sock = (SSLSocket)sockFactory.createSocket();

What about all the Value-Added SSL bits that the SSLSocket class must
bolt-on to a Socket?

If you need to use a SSL specific funtion you can use:

You're casting t3Sock (a Socket object) as a SSLSocket object there right? I
haven't missed some abstract-class or Interface wizardry? So I've got a
vanilla Socket and cast it as a SSLSocket to call, say startHandshake(), and
it's not gonna complain about a bodgy brick-veneer job, absent any
certificate or crypto-algorithm info?

I'd find it easier to picture it the other way around where we have a
SSLSocket and our casting it as a Socket effectively masks out all the SSL
bits, but who cares? I'll just code it like you've said and see how I get

But that is not "nice".

It's certainly more appealing than the attached code (look for "sslReqd")

I guess the least I can do is put the common stuff such as this. . .
     inSock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host,port), CONTIMOUT);

     in = new BufferedInputStream (inSock.getInputStream() ,maxBufSiz);
     out = new BufferedOutputStream (inSock.getOutputStream(),maxBufSiz);

.. . . in a private method with a Socket parameter "inSock" and cast the
SSLSocket to that (or vica versa).

Cheers Richard Maher

import java.lang.System;

public class Tier3Socket
 public static final
         String T3ID="T3$";
 public static final
         int USERSIZ=40;
 public static final
         int T3IDBUFSIZ=48;
 public static final
         int CREDBUFSIZ=80;
 public static final
         int CONTIMOUT=3000;

 public byte [] t3IdBuf;
 public byte [] readBuf;
 public byte [] writeBuf;

 private String host;
 private int port;
 private int maxBufSiz;
 private int bytesIn;
 private String hostCharSet;
 private Socket t3Sock;
 private SSLSocket t3SSLSock;
 private SSLSocketFactory sockFactory;
 private BufferedInputStream in;
 private BufferedOutputStream out;
 private byte [] outUser;
 private byte [] outPwd;
 private byte [] credBuf;
 private String inMsg;
 private String stringOut;
 private boolean sslReqd;

 Tier3Socket (String host, int port, int maxBufSiz, String hostCharSet,
boolean sslReqd)
 { = host;
  this.port = port;
  this.maxBufSiz = maxBufSiz;
  this.hostCharSet = hostCharSet;
  this.bytesIn = 0;
  this.sslReqd = sslReqd;

  t3IdBuf = new byte[T3IDBUFSIZ];
  readBuf = new byte[maxBufSiz];

  if (sslReqd)
     sockFactory = (SSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();

 public void open() throws UnknownHostException, IOException
  if (sslReqd)
     t3SSLSock = (SSLSocket)sockFactory.createSocket();
     t3SSLSock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host,port), CONTIMOUT);

     in = new BufferedInputStream (t3SSLSock.getInputStream() ,maxBufSiz);
     out = new BufferedOutputStream (t3SSLSock.getOutputStream(),maxBufSiz);


     try {t3SSLSock.startHandshake();}
         catch (IOException e)
                System.out.println("Failed SSL Handshake");
                throw new IOException("Can't SSL on Socket");
     t3Sock = new Socket();
     t3Sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host,port), CONTIMOUT);

     in = new BufferedInputStream (t3Sock.getInputStream() ,maxBufSiz);
     out = new BufferedOutputStream (t3Sock.getOutputStream(),maxBufSiz);

 public void handShake(String username, String password) throws IOException
  credBuf = new byte[CREDBUFSIZ];

  outUser = username.getBytes(hostCharSet);
  System.arraycopy(outUser, 0, credBuf, 0, outUser.length);

  outPwd = password.getBytes(hostCharSet);
  System.arraycopy(outPwd, 0, credBuf, USERSIZ, outPwd.length);

  out.write(credBuf, 0, CREDBUFSIZ);

  if ( < t3IdBuf.length)
      System.out.println("Read < " + Integer.toString(t3IdBuf.length) + "
      throw new IOException();

  inMsg = new String(t3IdBuf, 0, 3, hostCharSet);

  if (!inMsg.equals(T3ID))
      throw new IOException();

 public void sendUrgentData (int oob) throws IOException
  if (sslReqd)

 public void setTimeout(int msecs) throws UnknownHostException, IOException
  if (sslReqd)

 public void close () throws IOException
  if (t3Sock != null && !t3Sock.isClosed())
      try {t3Sock.close();}
      catch (Exception e)

  if (t3SSLSock != null && !t3SSLSock.isClosed())
      try {t3SSLSock.close();}
      catch (Exception e)

 public void buffMessage (String message) throws IOException
  byte [] msg = message.getBytes(hostCharSet);


 public void sendMessage (String message) throws IOException
  byte [] msg = message.getBytes(hostCharSet);


 public void flush () throws IOException

 public int readMessage () throws IOException
  return readMessage(readBuf.length);

 public int readMessage (int bytes) throws IOException
      bytesIn =, 0, bytes);
  catch (SocketTimeoutException e)
      return 0;

  return bytesIn;

 public String getString () throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  return getString(0, bytesIn);

 public String getString (int offset, int length) throws
  if ((offset + length) > bytesIn)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
      stringOut = new String(readBuf, offset, length, hostCharSet);
  catch (Exception e)
      return null;

  return stringOut;


"Arne Vajh?j" <> wrote in message

Richard Maher wrote:

I have created a class that uses the class to talk to my
server and everything is great. I then converted the code to use the class and (thanks to how easy Java makes it for us!)
everything is still great. What I want to do now is


the use of SSL or in-the-clear Sockets within my class, and I'm


to find a modular, let alone elegant, solution.

At the moment I plan to add another Applet parameter called SSL_REQD and


will pass that to my constructor, but because of Java's compile-time
resolution of methods-to-objects, I find myself having to duplicate code
that is erstwhile 99% identical or common. Is there some way (short of
Reflection) that I can leverage the fact SSLSocket class inherits most


its methods from the Socket class so that I only need one method for


socket function regardless of what flavour socket is in use?

For example: -

private someSocket t3Sock;

if (sssReqd)
  t3Sock = (SSLSocket)sockFactory.createSocket();
  t3Sock = new Socket();


Am I stuck with "One's an Apple and the other's an Orange (albeit


red :-)"?

If few of the Socket methods are overridden by SSLSocket (and the
value-added encryption stuff happens at a lower/other level) can I just


my way around some of this? Just stick in a few "if" statements and stop

Since SSLSocket inherits from Socket then you can make your
t3sock of type Socket (you can assign from a subtype to a
super type).

If you need to use a SSL specific funtion you can use:

But that is not "nice".

I would find it tempting to create a wrapper class hirachy:
CommonSocketWrapper, SocketWrapper and SSLSocketWrapper where
SocketWrapper has some do nothing methods for the SSL specific

If that is not what you are looking for, then pleas explain.


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