Re: About to give up
On Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:42:23 -0800 (PST), KyoGaSuki
<> wrote:
So finally it decided to actually PRINT something...and then I
realized that it wasn't working how I needed it to. I am just ready
to give up completely considering it is due in an hour and a half and
I have managed to mess it all up. That, and the formatting won't
work, AND nothing is showing up in the output file. *is seriously
close to tears*:
* @(#)
* Try2 application
* @author
* @version 1.00 2008/3/6
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
public class Try2 {
public static void main(String[] args)throws FileNotFoundException
Scanner in = new Scanner (new FileReader("Annuities.txt"));
int n = in.nextInt();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("Try2.txt");
int counter = 1;
int sbal = in.nextInt();
double annual = sbal*.06;
double interest = annual/12;
int deposit = 200;
double ebal = sbal + interest + deposit;
System.out.printf("$%7.2f $%6.2f $%6.2f $
You have an error in your print formats. You are printing four
variables: sbal, interest, deposit and ebal. These are declared as
int, double, int and double respectively. You are using the double
print format (%#.#f) for all four. You should either use the integer
print format (%#d) for the two integers or else make sure that the two
values in question are doubles by multiplying them by 1.0.
That is not your only problem, but it should get you some output to
look at. The other problems are more obvious once you can see the
--------------------Configuration: Try2 - JDK version 1.6.0_03
<Default> - <Default>--------------------
Process completed.
It isn't even printing anything anymore.
it is SUPPOSED to turn out like this:
1 $ - $ - $200.00 $ 200.00
2 $ 200.00 $ 1.00 $201.00 $ 402.00
3 $ 402.00 $ 2.01 $202.00 $ 606.01
4 $ 606.01 $ 3.03 $203.00 $ 812.04
5 $ 812.04 $ 4.06 $204.00 $1,020.10
6 $1,020.10 $ 5.10 $205.00 $1,230.20
7 $1,230.20 $ 6.15 $206.00 $1,442.35
8 $1,442.35 $ 7.21 $207.00 $1,656.56
9 $1,656.56 $ 8.28 $208.00 $1,872.84
10 $1,872.84 $ 9.36 $209.00 $2,091.20
11 $2,091.20 $10.46 $210.00 $2,311.66
12 $2,311.66 $11.56 $211.00 $2,534.22