Connection Pooling in Java application for interacting with Websphere
I have following infrastruture at my site.
1> Machine #1 has below
- Websphere MQSeries 6.0 (client setup - Slim Client)
- OS = Windows 2003
- i/p address :
- Tomcat web server 5.5
- No Websphere Application Server.
2> Machine #2 has below
- Websphere MQSeries 6.0 (Server setup)
- OS = Windows 2003
- i/p address :
- Queue Manager Name : qMngr
- Queue Name (client will put the message) : toServerQ
- Queue Name (client will get the message) : fromServerQ
- I have developed the web application in Tomcat web server 5.5 using
MQ base classes for accessing the Websphere MQ.
- Since it is web application there can be atleast 25 request at
i.e. when client#1 request data from queue he must get data related
to client#1 only not other than client#1.
- For accessing the websphere MQ, I am using websphere MQ base classes
in Client mode. (Not JMS)
==>>>> Source Code as follows
Class MQInterface (Servlet) is used for getting the web request from
user and reply the response in html format.
public class MQInterface extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String Output = "";
System.out.println("!! Entered into Banking Servlet !!");
String requestParam = request.getParameter("OPRN_CODE");
if (requestParam.equalsIgnoreCase("GET_NAME_DETAIL")){
String id = request.getParameter("id");
Output = MQDataObject().getNameDetail(id);
return Output;
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
Class MQDataObject is used for getting and putting data(message) into
Websphere MQ.
public class MQDataObject {
private String hostname = "";
private String channel = "Chnl1";
private String qManager = "qMngr1";
private MQQueueManager qMgr;
private ISISSSLAdaptor ssl;
private ISISConfigHelper ConfigHelper;
private String Output;
public MQDataObject(){
MQEnvironment.hostname = hostname; = channel;,MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES_CLIENT);
MQEnvironment.sslCipherSuite =
ssl = new DEMOSSLAdaptor("DEMOSSLAdaptor.config");
ConfigHelper = new
}catch(Exception exception){
System.out.println("Exception Details => " + exception);
public String getNameDetail(String sendMessage){
String msgText = "";
// Create a connection to the Queue Manager.
qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qManager);
// Set up the options on the queue we wish to open
int openOutOptions = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT;
// Specify the queue to open and open option
MQQueue sendingQueue =
// Define the MQ message and write some text in UTF
MQMessage sendingMessage = new MQMessage();
// Specify the message options..
MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions();
// Put message on the queue
// Close Sending Queue
// Receiving the message back
// Wait for 5 seconds to get reply from receiving queue
// Set up the options on receiving queue we wish to open
int openInOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF |
MQQueue receivingQueue =
MQMessage receivingMessage = new MQMessage();
// Set and Get the message options
MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions();
// Receiving the message off the queue.
// Get the message from the receiving queue.
msgText =
// Close Receiving Queue
// Close a connection to the Queue Manager.
// Parse the received message using parser.
String output = new IFXXMLParser().runExample(msgText);
catch (MQException mqex){
System.out.println("MQ Error : " + mqex);
catch (Exception ex){
System.out.println("General Error : " + ex);
return Output;
The message for sending the receiving is in XML format.
Could any one help me following in questions.
1> Since there is 30 request at time so for improve the performance
and resources I need to do connection pooling.
How can I achieve this using base classes.
2> While retrieving (getting) the message for particular request how
can I identify the response message.
i.e. when client#1 request data from queue he must get data related
to client#1 only not other than client#1.
because In above scenario there are separate queues for getting the
message and putting the message.
I have read the tutorial on connection pulling but I am little
Thanking in Advance