Re: Android: create drawable from path

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax <>
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 00:52:52 +0100
On 14/04/2011 23:32, Lew wrote:

On 04/14/2011 04:32 PM, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

On 14/04/2011 20:06, Lew wrote:

On Apr 14, 1:37 pm, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax<>

For some reason d=null when creating a drawable from coverArtURLStr,
which is the full http path to the resource on the LAN.

Are you certain that value is what the method sees?

Anything obvious wrong? It's a path to a .png
[I can access the LAN OK, and Data.defaultCoverArt works fine]

public static void updateCoverArt(String coverArtURLStr)
String coverArtURL = coverArtURLStr;

Why the extra 'String' assignment?

What is the *actual* value of 'coverArtURLStr' at this point when you
have the problem?

Drawable d;

if (coverArtURL.equals(""))
d = Data.defaultCoverArt;
d = Drawable.createFromPath(coverArtURL);

The value of 'd' at this point when you have the problem is 'null',
you say.


When you say "I can access the LAN OK", that may or may not bear on
whether your program can access the LAN when you're running your
test. There's insufficient information in your post for us to know.

Since you have not provided an SSCCE there's little likelihood we can
debug your problem. On the face of it the'createFromPath()' method is
unable to access the actual URL string you're giving it, a datum you
have omitted from your problem statement.

Provide an SSCCE, please.

Actually, there is enough information.

Now that you've shared it, sure, but not before in the post in which I
pointed out you didn't provide enough information.

It seems that

doesn't like it if the path is http:\\...

That information was *not* in your post, so no, there was *not* enough
information in your post. I am happy that we found the correct answer
despite that. It is strange that you're claiming to have provided enough
information by citing data that you did not provide us.

Because at the time I did not know it was relevent

Yes, of course it can't parse a URL string of that form. Had you

"Of course"? Why is it so obvious?

included that datum in the original post we could have answered with
complete certainty instead of probabilistically (and, as it turned out,
correctly). We'd have seen that you used backslashes in the URL string,
and been able to focus right in on that for you.

I do not think that's the problem

At least we were able to focus on the string itself and the likelihood
(now certainty) that it specified an unreachable (or outright invalid)
location, based on the information that was available.

I've just got it to work.
I'll post the code tomorrow for reference

Thanks. That's a good thing.

  public static void updateCoverArt(String coverArtURLStr)
      int height=Constants.ART_HEIGHT, width=Constants.ART_WIDTH;
      Drawable d;
      ImageView iv = Data.coverArtIV;
         URL url = null;

         if (coverArtURLStr.equals(""))
          d = Data.defaultCoverArt;
          url = new URL(coverArtURLStr);
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

          InputStream content = null;
          content = (InputStream)url.getContent();
          } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

          d = Drawable.createFromStream(content , "src");

Dirk - My new book - Magick and Technology

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