Re: persistent object?

Andrew Thompson <>
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 20:08:14 -0700 (PDT)
On Apr 28, 10:15 am, Arne Vajh=F8j <> wrote:

SpreadTooThin wrote:

I need a list of objects that can survive from one invocation of the
application to the next.
Is this doable in Java or does that break sand box rules?
In my case I simply need a list of structures to exist and be reloaded
if the application is quit and restarted.

A Java application does typical not run in a sand box and are
therefore capable of writing and reading local files.

Java applets is another story.

Java applets (1.4+) have the AppletContext.getStreamKeys()*/
getStream()/setStream() methods, which might seem at
first look to be for inter-applet communication (and
can be used for that) but also, apparently, for
persistence. They are limited to around 63-64Kb.


Apps. launched using JWS are also subject to a sandbox
unless they are digitally signed & request/are granted
all-permissions or j2ee-application-client-permissions
(a horrid name for limited extra permissions, IMO).

Even sandboxed JWS apps. can access the PersistenceService
Demo of the persistence service.

Andrew T.

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