Re: The JRE, the sound, or the code?
Andrew Thompson wrote:
I am having a devil of a time trying to develop a new
sound format. After abandoning my earlier efforts on
the basis that I could not reconstruct the binary
representation to a usable sound, I revisited the
problem today and found my local JREs do not seem
to play the *original* sound that I am converting,
Which leaves me to wonder whether it is the sound, the
code or the JRE that is the problem.
The code is ..
import javax.sound.sampled.*;
public class LoopSound {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
URL url = new URL(
Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.
getAudioInputStream( url );;
The sound is located at the URL shown above. It
was made using Java sound, is 2 seconds in duration,
stereo, and should fade between 441 Hz in one channel,
to 882 Hz in the other, and back again.
When I play it in the system default player, the Totem
Movie Player v. 2.24.3, it sounds as I expect.
Does it play OK for you?
(And as an aside) It should be loopable without any
perceptible 'click' at the loop points. Totem loops it
but has a noticeable click. Does it loop smoothly
for you?
Andrew T.
Your problem is Java 1.5 or later. There were some changes made in Java
Sound in 1.5 that changed one of the threads to a daemon. So when your
program ends so does the sound. Try putting a sleep after the loop and
it will be obvious.
What you need to do is add a LineListener and wait until you get a STOP
LineEvent before you end your main thread.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2009/
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