Re: getResourceAsStream() problem

Lew <>
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 11:29:57 -0800 (PST)
On Jan 28, 10:26 am, Fencer <>

On 2010-01-27 16:48, Fencer wrote:

On 2010-01-27 16:02, Fencer wrote:

Hello, I have a problem with getResourceAsStream().

[snip my OP]

I believe I solved this problem!

- Fencer

Hello again. I wish to offer my sincere apologies for not specifying the
details of my solution in my previous post.

The problem turned out to be not in the actual Java code but in how I
was using my tools. Adding a directory to the classpath in the Eclipse
project settings didn't propagate to Tomcat in my context. What I did
was to add the directory to the classpath to Tomcat's launch
configuration under Eclipse. That solved it!

If you you doubleclick on the Tomcat server under the Server tab (in the
window that usually holds tabs like console, problems etc, I'm not sure
what it's called), an "Overview" of settings should open. There's a link
there "Open Launch Configuration" which opens a configuration dialog.
The dialog has a tab called "classpath" and you can add your entry
there, under "User Entries".

You're supposed to include libraries needed by a web app in the "lib/"
directory of the web app.

You shouldn't entirely depend on the IDE to specify a class path. You
should be able to deploy the application from the command line.


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