Re: [Servlet Error]- not a servlet class
Jitender wrote:
I have deployed a web-application on WebSphere (WAS) 6.0, which uses
struts [sic].
Upon start-up i see the following error message in the log:
[Servlet Error]-[javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Servlet
[]: not a servlet class
The application works perfectly fine on Tomcat.
Additional Info::
My Wesbphere [sic] settings are to use Class Loading for web application as:
Parent Last, Application(not module). I have left the Server class
loading untouched, as if i [sic] change it (as suggested in one of the links
found on google [sic] , the server crashes).
Any help is greatly appreciated. I read somewhere j2ee.jar and
struts.jar have a conflict, but i [sic] do not know if this is true, or how
to resolve it. My web.xml is very simple with a simple servet
configured to extend from ActionServet [sic].
What is the line from your "servlet" class that declares the class, the one
similar to "public class Foo extends ..."?
Are you deploying the same WAR (in other words, with no intervening build) to
both Tomcat and WS?
Why are you using "Parent Last" class loading?
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