Re: Struts I18N

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 21 Mar 2013 15:47:26 -0400
On 3/21/2013 1:01 PM, Tim Slattery wrote:

Does anybody know just when and how often Struts 1.3 sets the "Default

We have a web system that kinda-sorta uses Struts
internationalization. The user chooses a language at the beginning
(English or Spanish). A Locale object is created using that choice,
and saved using the setLocale method of the Action object.

Later Actions will retrieve that Locale object and use the language
designation to find the right things. Among those things are rows in
the database. In the table that's showing the problem, there are rows
identified with "es" or "en", the languages that we support. But we
have a report that one user is getting an error message because the
program is looking for a "zh" (Chinese) row.

My theory is that although either "en" or "es" is set at the beginning
of the app, each request can reset that according to the user's
language preference, though I'm not sure how that's set. If that's
right, then the user with the problem has his browser set for Chinese,
and our setting disappears with his second request. Is this right?

setLocale saves in session so it should not be changed between

Can you recreate in test env?

My best guess based on the limited info available is that
your language chooser is not quite safe - you display
a combo box with valid values but process any values - and
that one user found out and made a call with Chinese.


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