why can't run!

"hua song" <shcalm@gmail.com>
1 Dec 2006 19:25:38 -0800
i just learn java
write a applet..
but it can't show what i want...
can anyone help me?
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Event.*;
public class Jj extends JApplet{
public static int a;
public static int b;
public void init()
 Container cp=getContentPane();
 Buttonlistener bl=new Buttonlistener();
public class FillPanel2 extends JPanel{

 private int aa;
 private int bb;
 FillPanel2(int aa,int bb)
 public void paintComponment(Graphics g)

public class FillPanel1 extends JPanel{

 private int aa;
 private int bb;

 FillPanel1(int aa,int bb)
 public void paintComponment(Graphics g)

public class Buttonlistener extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
    public void ButtonListener(){//=E6=9E=84=E9=80 =E5=87=BD=E6=95=B0
      Button b1=new Button("rect");
  Button b2=new Button("oval");
  Button b3=new Button("round");
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

  String s=((Button)e.getSource()).getLabel() ;
   FillPanel1 fp =new FillPanel1(Jj.a,Jj.b);
   FillPanel2 fp=new FillPanel2(Jj.a,Jj.b );
   FillPanel3 fp=new FillPanel3(Jj.a,Jj.b );

public class FillPanel3 extends JPanel{

    private int aa;
    private int bb;
  public FillPanel3(int a, int b) {
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
   g.drawOval( aa,bb,50,50);

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