Re: inputting local filepath
Justin wrote:
I am attempting to input a database location from a txt file located
within the build folder. However, I am having a bitchin time getting
it to work with relative file location. So far, I can only get
absolute file names to work, this is useless. Any help would be
appreciated. My code can be found below....
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class DataConnection {
public DataConnection(){
DataInputStream input;
String name = "";
File dBLocation = new File("C:\\Documents and
dBLocation = new File("..consultrequest\\testing\\dBURL.txt");
try { // try to create an object representing the user-selected file
input = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream(dBLocation) );
try { // try to read the file and create a string consisting of
its contents
char ch;
do { // read data from the file until end of file is reached
name = "";
ch = input.readChar();
while ( ch != ';' ) {
name = name + ch;
ch = input.readChar();
while ( true );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
try { // try to close the file
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
System.out.println("Database location cannot be found");
public static void main(String[] args){
DataConnection data = new DataConnection();
Your "..consultrequest\\testing\\dBURL.txt" is a strange notation for a
relative file (it is missing something after the two dots "..").
Try "../consultrequest/testing/dBURL.txt" instead.
Or simpler: use the "parent working direcotry (pwd)" and put your File
"dBURL.txt" to the same directory where you start "java ..." (the
virtual machine. Then you should be able to open your file simply using
String fileName = "dBURL.txt";
FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName);