Re: Best way to force a JComponent to repaint itself
zerg wrote:
Joshua Cranmer wrote:
This is completely unacceptable behavior, not to mention that it
flagrantly violates the newsgroup's charter, and therefore his internet
service provider will shortly be notified of his behavior, which likely
violates their Terms of Service.
I'm not writing from an ISP news server, and I don't have any Terms of
Service with newsgroup provider, and I'm not violating the Network Use
Policy here (I checked it).
I'm dispensing information.
1. Less importantly, whether it was reasonable for you to expect me to
ALWAYS search the documentation exhaustively all the way up the class
hierarchy, including every implemented interface (so, up a branching
tree!), even in cases where it looked like code reuse rather than an
"is-a" relationship.
Yes. If you are not well-acquainted with how the JComponent hierarchy,
how can you be sufficiently knowledgeable to know that it is actually
code reuse and not an "is-a" relationship? Background knowledge: Sun
does a very good job of keeping "is-a" relationship in its class hierarchy.
I find that surprising.
Have you tried it? No. So stop asking me, and actually try to put a
JButton in an AWT Frame. Here's the code:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String... args) {
Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame");
frame.setSize(200, 200);
frame.add(new JButton("Click me!"));
I see a 200x200 frame with a button saying "Click me!". What do you see?
Yes, it is, but it is also wrong, not to mention exceedingly rude.
Then don't act like one?
The first time I pointed out that in the real world people sometimes
inherit for code reuse (poor practise though that is) you completely
ignored that bit and continued on as if I hadn't raised a valid
objection to a point you'd tried to raise in support of your theory that
I'm a horrible person.
I clip parts of text that I don't need to reply to. Anyone reading it
should be able to figure out that I don't have anything worthwhile to
say, I don't need to advertise that fact to the world.
I didn't make any assumptions about your age, you liar.
You made it implicitly, I guarantee that much.
You don't consider telling Twisted that he (or the things that he wrote)
wasn't valid to be rude?
What do you want people to say? "Oh, I'm sorry, but everything you're
saying is contradicted by the wealth of available facts?" "I don't think
that point is valid", followed by explanation, is about the nicest way I
can think of to rebut a point. If people aren't allowed to rebut, a
discussion becomes very, very one-sided.
(Another taste of your own medicine. If you don't like it, stop
attacking me in public!)
Actually, I'm finding these to now be amusing, in a way that kind of
sickens me. You're obviously agitating yourself and it's barely phasing
me (I haven't gotten up to pace once yet).
I rather suspect something else. My theory is that whoever is hacking
their posts (and nobody has yet proven that whoever it is is called
"NewsMaestro" that I've seen, though perhaps they have where I have NOT
seen it) has another motive (or perhaps both motives apply).
I don't remember the person's name, but the forged postings are all from
one location in Ukraine, and they did start after telling the person to
stop pitching NewsMaestro in c.l.j.p.
I am not in a position of public trust nor am I a celebrity. Therefore
it is wrong, nevermind rude, to offer publicly a negative opinion of me,
If you can suggest a better way of rebutting all of your attacks and
those of your "friends in rudeness",
"It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and be proved
to be a fool."
Shutting up is a very effective way because people only get one side.
But really, if you can't stand what people are saying, don't listen to them.
No, now you try to purposefully direct public opinion of ME instead.
Hardly a worthy objective.
Do I care what anyone else thinks of you? No. Actually, for all I care,
this could go in personal email. I'll start whenever you start.
At least until he gets a nasty surprise in the form of a complaint from
his internet provider about his conduct,
Once again, I'm not on an internet provider. And my experience with ISPs
is that generally they don't care one way or the other; all of the times
I've reported abuse has gone unnoticed by the ISPs.
I don't think you are a brutal bully. I think you're pathetic.
And what makes you think that I care what you think about me? The fact
that you care what I think about you?
This is a remarkable sign of psychological incoherency within you. You
say this, yet you presume to judge me (and of course find me wanting) on
the basis of a handful of Usenet posts?
I'm not judging you.
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it. -- Donald E. Knuth