Re: how to print the data
"ashwinijain" <> wrote in message
thanks but i want to print the java components on paper..
how can i print it..
how to use printable class?
from sun's forums, author of Standard/SpecialPrint is Tom Jacobs
I'd post a link, but I had to modify a couple of things to get it to work,
so easier to post the code.
(don't ask me how it works, I have no idea)
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.print.*;
import javax.print.PrintException;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class Testing
public void buildGUI()
JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,1));
p.add(new JLabel("Hello"));
JButton btn = new JButton("World");
final JFrame f = new JFrame();
btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
StandardPrint sp = new StandardPrint(f);//<----f is the component to print
try{sp.start();}catch(Exception e){}
public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
new Testing().buildGUI();
class StandardPrint implements Printable, Pageable {
Component c;
SpecialPrint sp;
PageFormat mFormat;
boolean mScale = false;
boolean mMaintainRatio = true;
public StandardPrint(Component c) {
this.c = c;
if (c instanceof SpecialPrint) {
sp = (SpecialPrint)c;
public StandardPrint(SpecialPrint sp) {
this.sp = sp;
public boolean isPrintScaled () {
return mScale;
public void setPrintScaled(boolean b) {
mScale = b;
public boolean getMaintainsAspect() {
return mMaintainRatio;
public void setMaintainsAspect(boolean b) {
mMaintainRatio = b;
public void start() throws PrinterException {
PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
if (mFormat == null) {
mFormat = job.defaultPage();
if (job.printDialog()) {
public void setPageFormat (PageFormat pf) {
mFormat = pf;
public void printStandardComponent (Pageable p) throws PrinterException {
PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
private Dimension getJobSize() {
if (sp != null) {
return sp.getPrintSize();
else {
return c.getSize();
public static Image preview (int width, int height, Printable sp, PageFormat pf, int pageNo) {
BufferedImage im = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
return preview (im, sp, pf, pageNo);
public static Image preview (Image im, Printable sp, PageFormat pf, int pageNo) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) im.getGraphics();
int width = im.getWidth(null);
int height = im.getHeight(null);
g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
double hratio = height / pf.getHeight();
double wratio = width / pf.getWidth();
//g.scale(hratio, wratio);
try {
sp.print(g, pf, pageNo);
catch(PrinterException pe) {
return im;
public int print(Graphics gr, PageFormat format, int pageNo) {
mFormat = format;
if (pageNo > getNumberOfPages()) {
return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gr;
g.drawRect(0, 0, (int)format.getWidth(), (int)format.getHeight());
g.translate((int)format.getImageableX(), (int)format.getImageableY());
Dimension size = getJobSize();
if (!isPrintScaled()) {
int horizontal = getNumHorizontalPages();
int vertical = getNumVerticalPages();
int horizontalOffset = (int) ((pageNo % horizontal) * format.getImageableWidth());
int verticalOffset = (int) ((pageNo / vertical) * format.getImageableHeight());
double ratio = getScreenRatio();
g.scale(1 / ratio, 1 / ratio);
g.translate(-horizontalOffset, -verticalOffset);
if (sp != null) {
else {
g.translate(horizontal, vertical);
g.scale(ratio, ratio);
else {
double ratio = getScreenRatio();
g.scale(1 / ratio, 1 / ratio);
double xScale = 1.0;
double yScale = 1.0;
double wid;
double ht;
if (sp != null) {
wid = sp.getPrintSize().width;
ht = sp.getPrintSize().height;
else {
wid = c.getWidth();
ht = c.getHeight();
xScale = format.getImageableWidth() / wid;
yScale = format.getImageableHeight() / ht;
if (getMaintainsAspect()) {
xScale = yScale = Math.min(xScale, yScale);
g.scale(xScale, yScale);
if (sp != null) {
else {
g.scale(1 / xScale, 1 / yScale);
g.scale(ratio, ratio);
g.translate((int)-format.getImageableX(), (int)-format.getImageableY());
return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
public int getNumHorizontalPages() {
Dimension size = getJobSize();
int imWidth = (int)mFormat.getImageableWidth();
int pWidth = 1 + (int)(size.width / getScreenRatio() / imWidth) - (imWidth == size.width ? 1
: 0);
return pWidth;
private double getScreenRatio () {
double res = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution();
double ratio = res / 72.0;
return ratio;
public int getNumVerticalPages() {
Dimension size = getJobSize();
int imHeight = (int)mFormat.getImageableHeight();
int pHeight = (int) (1 + (size.height / getScreenRatio() / imHeight)) - (imHeight ==
size.height ? 1 : 0);
return pHeight;
public int getNumberOfPages() {
if (isPrintScaled()) return 1;
return getNumHorizontalPages() * getNumVerticalPages();
public Printable getPrintable(int i) {
return this;
public PageFormat getPageFormat(int page) {
if (mFormat == null) {
PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
mFormat = job.defaultPage();
return mFormat;
interface SpecialPrint {
public Dimension getPrintSize();
public void printerPaint(Graphics g);
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