TableCellRender puzzle

"Roedy Green" <>
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:42:21 GMT
Below is a fairly simple TableCellRenderer for displaying an enum as
an Icon. That works fine. But I added a wrinkle, changing the
background colour depending on whether the row is selected.

No background colour changes happen, even though isSelected is true
when it should be. I wonder if I am missing something obvious.

package com.mindprod.vercheck;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
import java.awt.*;

 * render a the AppSate enum cell, use icon without text.
final class AppStateRenderer implements TableCellRenderer
    // ------------------------------ FIELDS

    private static final JLabel template = new JLabel( "",
JLabel.CENTER );

    private Color background;

    private Color selectedBackground;

    // -------------------------- PUBLIC INSTANCE METHODS
     * constructor
     * @param background background colour
     * @param selectedBackground background colour when seleced
    public AppStateRenderer( Color background, Color
selectedBackground )
        this.background = background;
        this.selectedBackground = selectedBackground;

    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table,
                                                    Object value,
                                                    boolean hasFocus,
                                                    int row,
                                                    int column )
        System.err.println( "selected:" + isSelected + " " + row + " "
+ table.getSelectedRow() );

        template.setIcon( ( (AppState) value ).getIcon() );
        template.setBackground( isSelected? selectedBackground :
background );
        return template;
Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
The Java Glossary,

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