Re: How To Determine Position of JScrollPane in One JTable and Scroll Second JTable

Haircuts Are Important <>
Tue, 4 Jun 2013 07:20:12 -0700 (PDT)
On Jun 3, 7:56 pm, Jim Gibson <> wrote:

In article
Haircuts Are Important <> wrote:

How can I determine how much a JTable's JScrollPane has been moved,
and then scroll a second JTable based on that movement.

JScrollPane has two JScrollBar members: horizontalScrollBar and
verticalScrollBar. Use the getVerticalScrollBar() method of
JScrollPane, for example, to get the vertical scroll bar object.

Then use the getValue() method of JScrollBar to find out where the
scrollbar is positioned. You can define an AdjustmentListener object to
listen for scroll bar events. Then use the setValue() method to apply
the same offset to the other JScrollPane (assuming everything else
about the two JScrollPanes is equal).

I inserted the below code, but it did not work! Per
addAdjustmentListener, the two JScrollBars were always updated to the
same position, but the left JTable would not scroll with the right
JTable. The two tables have the same number of rows but differ in the
number of columns. What is wrong. I posted most of the project in a
recent posting.

JScrollPane leftScrollPane = new JScrollPane(fixedTable);
final JScrollBar leftVerticalScrollBar =

JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(scrollTable);
final JScrollBar rightVerticalScrollBar =

rightVerticalScrollBar.addAdjustmentListener(new AdjustmentListener(){
   public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent evt){
      int rightPosition = rightVerticalScrollBar.getValue();
      int lefttPosition = leftVerticalScrollBar.getValue();

      if (rightPositon != leftPosition){

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