Re: Can I combine GUI & Applet?

"Andrew Thompson" <>
2 Dec 2006 10:38:10 -0800
Martin Gregorie wrote:

Then it went through Opera's Transfers screen & dialog into a
"Downloading Java" screen. Was that expected?

Sh*te! I have been promising myself for some time,
that I am going to develop a 'rock solid'* launch for
web-start projects, that either manages to launch
the project smoothly, or keeps the user well informed
about how to correct problems/why it failed.

* Or as 'rock solid' as one might expect in this
internet in which we have browser plug-ins that
will remove elements (such as scripts and applet
elements, amongst other things) without any
overt warning or message to the end-user.

As you may have noticed, I had not gotten around
to writing that page yet, and was instead relying on
developers having 'web-start friendly' browsers.

Stupid assumption on my part.

So the shorter answer is, your result (especially for
Opera) was "Kind of expected, but not optimal".

(Grumbles.. Bloody 'Opera')

Thanks for your help, which has answered my question. I now know that a
given chunk of code can't be both applet and GUI application.

Huhh?! I have failed somewhere in this thread
(yes, besides the failed launch).

You can
- throw a main() into a regular applet that shows it in
  a frame,
- develop a GUI in a JPanel that can be dropped
  into a JFrame or a JApplet, or the equivalent
- Panel that can be put in a Frame or Applet..

I am working on a project at the moment that has both a
Frame and an Applet, and they are both 'thin wrappers'
around the guts of the program, which is programmed in
a Panel.

Huge chucks of (GUI) code can most certainly be
reused if developing both an application and applet.

Andrew T.

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