Re: Layout question

"Andrew Thompson" <>
30 Jan 2007 03:40:51 -0800
On Jan 30, 9:54 pm, nukl...@invalid.addr (nukleus) wrote:

In article <>,


I wonder if you might give me a hint on how would
you layout that frame I described in my previous post.

I might (at least, as well as I understand your description)..

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

class ExampleNestedLayout extends JPanel {

  ExampleNestedLayout() {
    super( new BorderLayout(5,5) );

    JToolBar tb = new JToolBar();
    // extra measures need to be taken,
    // to ensure toolbars can 'float'
    // correctly, we keep it simple.
    for (int ii=1; ii<5; ii++) {
      tb.add( new JButton("Button " + ii ) );

    add( tb, BorderLayout.NORTH );

    JPanel textFieldContainer =
      new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1,5,5));
    for (int ii=1; ii<5; ii++) {
      textFieldContainer.add( new JTextField() );

    JPanel textEditContainer = new JPanel(
      new BorderLayout(5,5) );
      textFieldContainer, BorderLayout.NORTH );
      new JScrollPane( new JTextArea(5,20) ) );

    add( textEditContainer, BorderLayout.WEST );

    JPanel checkBoxContainer = new JPanel(
      new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 5 ) );
    for (int ii=1; ii<15; ii++) {
        new JCheckBox("CheckBox " + ii) );

    add( checkBoxContainer, BorderLayout.CENTER );

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Example Nested Layout");
      new ExampleNestedLayout() );
    f.setMinimumSize( new Dimension(450,300) );
    f.setSize( 800,400 );


Andrew T.

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