Re: chopping of string

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Sat, 06 Oct 2007 05:41:12 GMT
Roedy Green wrote:

Yes, I note they are visible, but had you validated the
page recently? One thing Java HTML rendering is
*extremely* bad at, is dealing with malformed or invalid

Yes. I am quite fanatical about validation.

The 2nd link (to the validator) identifed 8 validation errors
at the moment I checked it.

..Style sheets get
validated by two different programs, and HTML markup via
The fool JEditorPane is rendering all comments as text.

This example* does /not/ render HTML comments.
'Do you see me?' Can you produce an SSCCE** that
supports your assertion?

* Admittedly, it uses a JLabel instead of a JEditorPane,
but they use the same rendering engine.

** With HTML included, as opposed to coming off any
potentially changeable source, such as a web page.

import javax.swing.*;

/** Do comments in well formed HTML get rendered by
Java's inbuilt rendering engine? This test, when run
on Win XP Pro, suppresses the comment text from
appearing. I.E. It is correctly rendered. */
class CheckHTMLRender {

  static String message =
    "<HTML>" +
    "<BODY>" +
    "<H1>" +
    "Test HTML comments" +
    "</H1>" +
    "<!-- Do you see me? -->" +
    "<p>The comment above should not be visible." +
    "</BODY>" +

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JLabel output = new JLabel(message);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output);

Andrew Thompson

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