Re: Handling private jtextfields

Eric Sosman <>
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:41:02 -0500
Jl_G_0 wrote:

 Hey all. Trying a simple script here, but I have no idea on how to do
I'm trying to create a script like this:

void setValue(String strName, String strText){

let me explain:
strName should be converted to a JTextField (of course its not done
right there), I mean, I'll send the text field name as a parameter,
and I want to know if there's some function that searches my
components and returns the one with the same name as strName so I can
set its value.

In c#/ I could use a function to search through my
components(foreach control c in page.controls...) , so its another way
to do it, IF I knew how to do this in java.

     Starting from any Container (probably the one at the top
of your GUI's containment hierarchy), you can apply the
getComponents() method to find every Component the Container
contains, and look through them. If a contained Component
is itself a Container, apply getComponents() to it in turn
and search recursively. Alternatively, use getComponentCount()
and getComponent() instead of getComponents().

     However, I'm not sure what you're searching for. Every
Component has a "name," but the names can be changed at any
time and are not guaranteed to be unique. Unless you call
a Component's setName() method, I think its name will remain
null. You could adopt some scheme to give each of your
JTextFields a unique non-null name and then search for it,
but if you're going to that much trouble you might as well
just build yourself a HashMap of "names" to JTextFields.

     What problem are you trying to solve? Where do these
"names" come from, and why can't you use a simpler (and more
robust) handle?


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