Re: Adding Graphics to Jpanel

Lew <>
Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:24:53 -0500
BEHROUZ wrote:

.. what's wrong with this code?

# package MyPack;

'#' is not a legitimate symbol for Java source like this.

Package names by convention are spelled in all lower-case letters.

# import java.awt.Color;
# import java.awt.Graphics;
# import javax.swing.JPanel;
# public class MyRect extends JPanel {
# public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
# g.setColor (Color.BLUE);
# g.drawRect (100, 100, 200, 200);

The class 'MyRect' will not compile as presented here. It lacks at least two
closing braces.

# =======================
# package MyPack;
# import java.awt.Color;
# import javax.swing.JPanel;
# public class MyPanel extends JPanel {
# MyPanel() {
# setBackground(;
# // Add Drawing to Jpanel
# MyRect mrect = new MyRect();
# this.add(mrect);
# // Add Component to Jpanel
# MyLabel mlabel = new MyLabel();
# this.add(mlabel);
# }
# }
# =======================
# package MyPack;
# import java.awt.Color;
# import java.awt.Font;
# import javax.swing.JLabel;
# public class MyLabel extends JLabel{

Your indentation is inconsistent.

# public MyLabel() {
# super("Hello, World!");
# setFont(new Font(null, Font.BOLD, 40));
# setForeground(;
# }
# }
# =======================
# package mypaneltest;
# import javax.swing.JFrame;
# public class MyFrame extends JFrame {

It's not too bad in this context, but gurus like Joshua Bloch suggest
preferring composition to inheritance. That is, your main class would simply
instantiate a local or instance-member 'JFrame' rather than inheriting from
the class.

# public MyFrame(){

Indent this line.

# super("Test");
# setSize(300,200);
# setLocationRelativeTo(null);
# MyPanel pane = new MyPanel();
# add(pane);
# }

Indent this line.

# }
# ======================
# package MyPack;
# public class Main {
# public static void main(String[] args) {
# new MyFrame().setVisible(true);
# }
# }

You forgot to 'pack()'. You have GUI actions that are not happening on the
Event Dispatch Thread (EDT). Both those mistakes will cost you weird bugs.


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