Re: CSV Parsing algorithms in Java
in message <8HtvetBvMhTFFwg1@nowhere.nnn>, Jeffrey Spoon
('') wrote:
In message <>, Simon
Brooke <> writes
Thanks to the others who suggested as well, I'll get around to them.
Heavens, writing a CSV parser is trivial. It's simply a case of a
StringTokenizer in a for loop:
Except I wasn't allowed to use String Tokenizer, as I said in the
original post, "I'm not interested in using library functions".
Then write your own; it's a trivial thing to do. Here, in fact, is one I
wrote earlier:
* MIDP does not provide a StringTokenizer. Because this has to be
* compatible with MIDP we'll provide our own. If you have access to a real
* StringTokenizer don't use this one - it is minimal and possibly
* inefficient.
public class StringTokenizer
//~ Instance fields -----------------------------------------------
/** the source string, which I tokenize */
private String source = null;
/** the separator character which I split it on */
private char sep = ' ';
/** my current cursor into the strong */
private int cursor = 0;
//~ Constructors --------------------------------------------------
* @param sep the separator which separates tokens in this source
* @param source the source string to separate into tokens
public StringTokenizer( String source, char sep )
super( );
this.sep = sep;
this.source = source;
//~ Methods -------------------------------------------------------
* @return true if this tokenizer still has more tokens, else false
public boolean hasMoreTokens( )
return ( ( source != null ) && ( cursor < source.length( ) ) );
* Test harness only - do not use
* @param args
public static void main( String[] args )
if ( args.length == 2 )
StringTokenizer tock =
new StringTokenizer( args[0], args[1].charAt( 0 ) );
System.out.println( "String is: '" + args[0] + "'" );
System.out.println( "Separator is: '" + args[1].charAt( 0 ) + "'" );
for ( int i = 0; tock.hasMoreTokens( ); i++ )
System.out.println( Integer.toString( i ) + ": '" +
tock.nextToken( ) + "'" );
* @return the next token from this string tokenizer, or null if there are
* no more.
public synchronized String nextToken( )
String result = null;
int end = source.indexOf( sep, cursor );
if ( cursor < source.length( ) )
if ( end > -1 )
result = source.substring( cursor, end );
cursor = end + 1;
result = source.substring( cursor );
cursor = source.length( );
return result;
-- (Simon Brooke)
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