Re: waiting threads until it gets value

Tom Anderson <>
Sun, 27 Dec 2009 18:19:47 +0000
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, focode wrote:

checking gprs data takes some time , in the mean time
"switchDisplayable(null, getMainMenu());" is called , while the process
of checking gprs continues, and when the application founds that gprs is
not subscribed , it takes appropriate action , (and exits the program ).
what is required is .. until and unless the checking of gprs is verified
, the program should not take any further action , and should wait their
itself , i think use of "wait" function should solve my problem , can
any one guied me where to put "wait" to solve this problem, i shall be
highly thankfull.

It's not clear to me what you want. Is it that the application should
first display the main menu, and then if later on the GPRS verification
fails, it should switch to the error message and quit? In that case, you
don't necessarily need a wait - the code above will work, although it
could be even simpler:

public void check_gprs() {
  new Thread(this).start();
  switchDisplayable(null, getMainMenu());

public void run() {
  // try to download URL
  if (text.equals("error")) switchDisplayable(null, getPacketdatamissing());

That's all you need.

If you want the program to display the main menu and then wait until the
verification has finished, then you have a couple of options. The simplest
is actually to use join, not wait - join waits for another thread to

public void check_gprs() {
  Thread t = new Thread(this);
  switchDisplayable(null, getMainMenu());

If you want a real wait, it's like this:

private boolean verificationComplete = false;

public void check_gprs() {
  new Thread(this).start();
  switchDisplayable(null, getMainMenu());
  synchronized (this) {
  // you need to decide what to do with InterruptedException here
  while (!verificationComplete) wait();

public void run() {
  // try to download URL
  if (text.equals("error")) switchDisplayable(null, getPacketdatamissing());
  synchronized (this) {
  verificationComplete = true;


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have nothing to do with human will, one must take care not to place
oneself in the defence of error; for here a thousand Demostheneses and
a thousand Aristotles would be left in the lurch by every mediocre wit
who happened to hit upon the truth for himself. -- Galileo

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