Re: concurrency, threads and objects
On 16.11.2006 01:21, Tom Forsmo wrote:
That explains it, I have edition 1 of the book, you are referring to
edition 2. A question then, do you know if 2nd Ed much different that
1st Ed?
I can't seem to find my book (time to search colleagues desks) and also
I do not know 1st edition. :-)
I see there is a difference in the TOC, but to me it seems like a
reorganisation of the book with possibly better titles or something.
I believe the foreword mentioned something like reorganization as one of
the major differences.
> The
book came out 2 years after the first, so it seemed to me that there
really could not be much difference. Basically since the theory and
practice of concurrent programming is quite old, so much would probably
not have changed in 2 years.
Still a book can be improved. :-)
In any case the more general computer science term is re-entrant, as
part of the subject of thread safe code, see
Reentrancy (?) is something completely different from thread confinement.
Fair enough, but I was talking about re-entrancy. I am not saying thread
confinement could not be used, thought.
Btw could you give a bit more detailed description about thread
confinement, I could not find anything when googling, only references to
Dougs book.
I believe I stated that earlier: basically you restrict access to data
to a thread and thus avoid synchronization issues. Can be achieved in
different ways (local variables etc.).
Kind regards